Mar 22, 2012

How to Tame the Dragon of PROSPERITY

It often happens that while working for fixed wages, dreaming of professional growth and agreeing to gain experience for little money, practicing extra office hours with hope for bonus and spending our own time on doing hated reports, we nevertheless reject or underestimate the meaning of quite different yet no less effective means to improve our situation.

If you knit stunning open-work jumpers, exchange them for splendid curtains for your parlour. Are you a skillful repairer? Arrange foreign language lessons for your son with an English teacher as a pay for quality services. Why spend money for haircut and hairstyle if you can offer mending clothing in exchange without appreciable detriment to your me-time. Do not hasten not to have – make sure you have a chance to get it!

Materialise your hobbies, turn your talents and fancies into reality, so you won’t be racked again with excuses for the reasons of rejecting something long wished for. That’s why if you’re a successful accountant and along with this can do fashionable haircuts and hairstyles that everybody adores, don’t sacrifice your favourite occupation for well-paid job – combine them! You’ll find many of people wishing to propose refined manicure, smart lesson of English or extreme driving in exchange, so widen your range of interests! Thus you can save your salary for a memorable vacation, your daughter’s education, desirable car or new washing-machine.

Replace hryvnas, dollars, or EURO for no less reliable currency such as quality, integrity and punctuality. Paying with such “coin”, not only will you get the desired, but find quite useful contacts, pleasant partnership, communication and friendly relations as well! Old proverb will be of current interest to you – that it’s better to have a number of friends, than a relevant number of coins.

Dear friends, if an interesting and well-paid job is still a dream for you, chose the best solution and start settling working load for yourself, find contacts and recommendations. will always eagerly help you with this!