Feb 28, 2013

You can sell own skills and proficiency on website which was launched recently.

You can sell your own skills and proficiency on website that has been launched recently. The website where you can profitably sell your services and skills.

Jan 28, 2013

Your Retirement Plan is For Shit.


7) Your Retirement Plan is For Shit. I don’t care how much you set aside for your 401k. It’s over. The whole myth of savings is gone. Inflation will carve out the bulk of your 401k. And in order to cash in on that retirement plan you have to live for a really long time doing stuff you don’t like to do. And then suddenly you’re 80 and you’re living a reduced lifestyle in a cave and can barely keep warm at night.

The only retirement plan is to Choose Yourself. To start a business or a platform or a lifestyle where you can put big chunks of money away. Some people can say, “well, I’m just not an entrepreneur .”

This is not true. Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: an ability to fail, an ability to have ideas, to sell those ideas, to execute on those ideas, and to be persistent so even as you fail you learn and move onto the next adventure. Or be an entrepreneur at work. An “entre-ployee”. Take control of who you report to, what you do, what you create. Or start a business on the side. Deliver some value, any value, to any body, to somebody, and watch that value compound into a carer.

What is your other choice? To stay at a job where the boss is trying to keep you down, will eventually replace you, will pay you only enough for you to survive, will rotate between compliments and insults so you stay like a fish caught on the bait as he reels you in. Is that your best other choice? You and I have the same 24 hours each day. Is that how you will spend yours?

If you have missed article "10 Reasons Why You Have to Quit Your Job This Year" by James Altucher, I highly recommend to read it. 

Moreover, If you do not know where start own business, and you do not know where you can find buyers and suppliers you are welcome to BarterMill - small business's social network.

Jan 24, 2013

Offer your professional services to the whole world!

Today there is a huge influx for talent services as employers are looking for the best deals to search for talented candidates from all over. Thanks to technology, it is easy to acquire a global professional reputation that goes well beyond one's native town or state. Ukraine, for one, has contributed to this progressive cosmopolitan idea with its rich base of talent by creating the site – evolution of the «TimeBank». Time banking is a pattern of reciprocal service exchange that uses units of time as currency. It is an example of an alternative monetary system. A time bank, also known as a service exchange, is a community that practices time banking.
  • Bartermill.com – is a business social network service platform that offers both individuals and companies convenient tools for goods and services, thereby minimizing overhead costs and eliminating third party intervention. Members of the network are rated by professional networks and are guaranteed to perform services or goods requested.
  • Besides being global, bartermill's social platform allows friends and family to exchange goods and services.  Friends can repair friends’ cars, mow lawns, hairdressers provide services, and a sewer creates and fixes your clothing, etc. One of bartermill.com functions is aimed at expanding the range of such exchanges that are limited to friends, neighbors, and closest surrounding. 
  • Bartermill provides seamless transaction of various accounting and sales transactions between two or more members. Social format of the site makes exchanging, selling convenient. Monitor and plan delivery terms and fulfillment of contract obligations with the help of bartermill's site services - interpretation, customs brokerage, accounting/bookkeeping, legal, etc.  The platform also allows 2 or 3 contractors/subcontractors to do business in 1 transaction.

Those who wish to share their specialist profession and gain more realtime professional networks and experiences around the world are encourage to create a membership! For more information please visit www.bartermill.com